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Shame For MPs To Take House Sessions Lightly

Deputy Speaker Job Ndugai had to adjourn Parliament due to the lack of a quorum because over 70 per cent of the MPs were absent on Saturday. The debate on budget for the ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives had to be postponed.
It is incredible that a whole 200-plus MPs can be absent from an ongoing House session as wananchi out there – their voters – look forward to them to discuss matters and pass laws on their behalf.
MPs aren’t just politicians. They are, above everything else, leaders. A leader, more so when he carries the “honourable” tag, must be exemplary. When that person plays truant, what should we expected from ordinary mortals out there?
Except for a tiny percentage of them who are in the House courtesy of the President who nominates them, MPs are elected directly by the people.
It means, they have literally been sent to Parliament by voters who, very justifiably, expect them to do their bidding in the august House. No wonder, during campaigns — in which many invest a lot of resources, they pledge that upon being elected, they will be “servants of the people”.
Missing House sessions has been a matter of concern to the Speaker, the no-nonsense Anne Makinda, who has on many occasions warned against absenteeism. But apparently, the men and women who make up one of the three pillars of the State, have taken her admonitions lightly.
Isn’t it ominous that it was the Agriculture budget that couldn’t be debated and passed due to MPs’ laxity? Ours is a country where 85 per cent of the population depends on agriculture.
One would, therefore, expect that any matter that touches on the sector would draw most attention from our leaders. Strangely, that is not the case, if the MPs’ disinterest in Mr Christopher Chiza’s estimates is anything to go by.
We demand nothing short of proper conduct from our MPs, which entails that none misses a session for frivolous reasons. Yes; there is no way a whole 230 MPs could have had a tangible reason to stay away from the august House on July 21, 2012!

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