Todays Question How Long Can You Go? Without Sex?
Yes, you know what I'm talking about. I've been thinking about this sex thing a lot lately. How long do people go without sex in general? Are there people who are absolutely just tortured by the thought of going without sex? I imagine there are. And I wonder how they recocile that. Hmmmm?
As for me, I think it's like anything else, if you don't have it, you get used to not having it. Energies get focused in other areas and it becomes less of a big deal. Somehow though, I have a feeling that there are many others who do not feel this way. The libidos of men and women are different, I realize, but I really wonder how different. Anyway, that is just a generalization and I've met plenty of women who seem more hightly sexed than some men I've known. Watch out!
As the dating scene gets less and less interesting (the prospects also!) and my standards become higher, as I'm not interested in engaging with people who are not good for me, I wonder when the dry spell will end. I've had opportunites, but they just haven't felt quite right. And there is always the lingering thought...."maybe it just won't happen again". My friends assure me that this is not the case. But, I find myself reminiscing about sex in my mind like it was an old friend, someone I used to know, a lost pet that I might never have the chance to play with again.
Ahh, sex. Remember the good ol' days? What lovely days!
So, how long can you go without sex?!!!